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Learn how Automations in Horizon streamline notifications and explore the basics of Horizon's API for integration and enhanced functionality. Let’s make your server a star!

Why Automations? What's This?

Here's the deal: Automations inspire dreams, help people appreciate themselves, and remind us how tiny we are in this vast universe. Every day is a unique adventure because not all planets have life. Some people never get the chance to be born, but we’re here, and that’s something special.

Automations are the feature we are most proud of because they let you dive into everything humanity has accomplished in our solar system and beyond. They show off our smarts and our relentless drive to understand our place in the cosmos.

How to Enable Automations?

Enabling any automation is a piece of cake. Use the command /automations and select the function you wish to enable with the Enable Function option. You must include the channel value for specific channel activation.


We offer five different automations:

  • Articles: Announces all the latest news.
  • Blogs: Travel through the universe with engaging blogs.
  • Reports: Get the latest ISS reports from the astronauts' orbiting home.
  • Next Launches: Stay informed about upcoming space launches.
  • Next Events: Learn about significant space events visible to everyone.

Example: /automations action:Enable Function function:APOD Automation channel:#my-channel

How to Disable Automations?

Disabling an automation is just as easy. Use the command /automations and select the function you want to disable with the Disable Function option. The channel option is not required and can be ignored. You can also disable automations using the /settings command and navigating to the selected automation.


Example: /automations action:Disable Function function:APOD Automation

Are Automations in BETA?

Yes, automations are still in BETA, and as our pride and joy, we make frequent improvements.

While we aim for perfection, system hiccups might happen, or you might see articles with incorrect info or placeholders. If this happens, please report it to us with the message ID and guild ID where the error occurred. We hope it never happens, but we have to let you know!

Care about your privacy? We do too! Learn more about how we use your data by clicking here. And remember, live every moment because you have the right to.